Monday, August 31, 2009

Back Door Facelift

Two years ago when we moved into our little house the back door was all scratched up from the lock being replaced. We had every intention of replacing the door with a nice six-panel door, but here it still hangs. Making it worse, the dear hubby tried to make it better without having to replace the door by touching up the scratches.... BUT he spot painted it with the wrong white paint. So then it was a two white toned ugly door! 
Since we were having Lilli's party at our house and the main event was in the kitchen where this ugly door hung I needed a quick fix. I have been wanting to paint a chalk-board wall somewhere in my house, so I thought, why not make it on the door. I used painters tape to make the boarder just to fancy it up a little bit. As I was painting  I was getting pretty nervous about a black door in my kitchen, but I LOVE how it turned out! It is so functional and despite the fact that it is black and stands out, it is really a fun addition to our house! 

I forgot to take a picture of the before, but here is how it turned out:


  1. what a cute idea!! I have always wanted to try chalkboard paint. How fun!!

  2. That is awesome! You and Lisa are too talented for words :D...

  3. That turned out so good. I really do love it. I was talking with a girl I visit teach and I told her you did that and she is a designer and she thought you were really cool too! Two shouts for being cool!
