Monday, July 13, 2009

Happy 31st Birthday!

My hubby (who is much older;)) has a birthday tomorrow. I threw together a little family party for him yesterday where he received this gift from Lillias and me. I am not such a huge fan of his electric guitar, so I thought an acoustic guitar was the perfect gift! He plays by ear, and not so frequently anymore, making this even more amazing! So, without further introduction here is MY/OUR song...

Actually the song is by Built to Spill, "The Weather." It was the song we played for our first song at our wedding. I loved it when I first heard it and every time I hear the song I remember falling for Shawn the Summer of 03.

Here are a few more shots of the event...

The kiddos doing the chicken dance! It was a wild party what can I tell ya!


  1. Okay I had no idea he played the guitar or sang! Wow, I'm impressed. So impressed I made Kurt watch the video, too. Haha! Happy Birthday Shawn!

  2. Sorry it's me again. I edit my pics on You can pay to use the upgraded version but i just use whatever is free! :)

  3. aww! so cute that he was singing!! I wish Joe would sing more often!!
    cute cupcakes (not that I was expecting anything ugly!) -- I want one of those cupcake tiered things :(

  4. You can buy those cupcake tier-y things at walmart :) It was a great time and so cute!! I was so lucky tobe a guest!

  5. wow!! I didn't know he played guitar OR sang! I'm impressed! :) Tell him Happy 31st OLD MAN!
    Cute party btw- totally cute job dec'ing out the place!
